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Go, Persephone, to your mother, the one with the dark robe. Have a kindly disposition and thûmos in your breast. Do not be too upset, excessively so. I will not be an unseemly husband to you, in the company of the immortals. I am the brother of Zeus the Father. If you are here, you will be queen of everything that lives and moves about, and you will have the greatest tîmai in the company of the immortals. Those who violate dikê will get punishment for all days to come, those who do not supplicate your menos with sacrifice, performing the rituals in a reverent way, executing perfectly the offerings that are due.

(Hymn to Demeter, 360-370)

  • 5,71 g
  • 3,8x5,6 cm
  • Methacrylate and brass with hypoallergenic 18k gold plating.
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