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Norme penta denta trans forme. Se manah nu lapa estorme: Jupi bita, jupi morne!  Sorna solla ne pote ne tope, soooma monde: “Penti nola juba, juba dente”. Minabar, minabar moreto moreira sicamuntur pelorme. Le tueste no vautiva no maliva sinforme. Si caba som seils? Al tubar nigmeis! “O, nente nente”, dylechente muricha tente nima dente. Im te abranesco niria jutesco. “Reticente” piti la chente. Te porme pentilia mu sorte ribia sicap plantorme!

(Voynich, p. 47, Fieldwork, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

  • 10,1 g
  • 5,5x6,8 cm
  • Methacrylate and brass with hypoallergenic 18k gold plating.

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