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Voltius, feltus, peltus, neltus, seltus. Uma Voltius. Uma peltus. Numa neltus. Sima seltus! Numa nend o numanind. Nao ficur. Nao tinend. Numa nend o numa in. Aaaa ficur! Aaaa sicur! Lemend tropicam obsicur, sin sine consend brumur! Numa brumur? Aaaa! Numa ficur? Oooo! Numa truma mitur? Oooo maaaa! Aaaaa Voltius feltus, Voltius feltus! Ooo mavoltis situr!

(Voynich, p. 12, Riddle, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

  • 4,25 g
  • 3,16x4,52 cm
  • Methacrylate and brass with hypoallergenic 18k gold plating.

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